Bridget went to Las Vegas for work this past week (at least she claimed it was work ... cough ... blackjack ... cough), which meant I was on my own with Thing 1 (Annabelle) and Thing 2 (Aurora) from Monday to Friday. It was challenging. It was also, by most measures, successful.
But yes, I'd lead with challenging.
Trying to balance work, daycare transportation, reading bedtime stories, potty duty, middle-of-the-night duty, dinners, lunches (why don't toddlers eat lunches?), breakfasts, meltdowns ... the list goes on ... is tricky. If you are a single parent, you are a far, far tougher person than I am. You, simply put, are better than me. But I digress.
Yes, it was challenging, but I learned some useful lessons that I thought were worth sharing. (You, of course, can be the judge of that when you get to the bottom of the list.) In no particular order, here are nine things I learned in my week as solo dad:
1. If you hear your child crying in the middle of the night and you wait several minutes, well, nothing will happen. You'll eventually realize it's all on you. I'm not sure why or how I thought Bridget was going to come to the rescue on Monday night, but, not surprisingly, she didn't.
2. It's incredibly challenging to get the appropriate amount of toothpaste on your toddler's toothbrush with one hand while she's holding said brush. Too little, there's no point in brushing. Too much, paste is everywhere. It was like watching water buffalo mate--or at least I think that's an apt comparison. I've never seen such water buffaloes mate.
3. If you break even the smallest routine, your senses are heightened. I love routines, but they were obviously in the trash this week. I found it exhilarating to eat dinner at 8:30 on Wednesday and take the recycling out to the curb well past 9 on Monday. (That sentence is lame, even for me.)
4. No matter how many times you explain to a 3-year-old why Mommy is away for work, it'll never completely sink in. I heard "Why is Mommy in Lost Vegas?" no fewer than 79 times.
5. No phrase is scarier as a Dad alone with two girls in public than, "Daddy, I have to go poo poo."
6. Grandmothers (and family support) are invaluable. This is obvious in theory, but it's super important in practice, too. Help with daycare transportation, starting dinner, and allowing me to indulge in a mid-week gym trip were just the bee's knees.
7. When one girl is crying really hard, the other girl will start crying, too. You just have to sit there and let the cries wash over you like a cleansing rain. They will eventually stop. Life will go on.
8. Cereal is okay for dinner. Multiple times.
9. Being a solo dad leaves very little time for hobbies, like blog writing, which means you sort of mail it in with a quick list of observations ...