Most everyone was happy when Aurora, now 10 months old, was born. Bridget and I were thrilled. Annabelle was excited and curious. Grandparents were overjoyed.
Oscar was not.
And really, it's tough to blame him. Once the focus of all our love and attention, our now 10-year-old Australian Shepherd hasn't had the best few years. For example, before Annabelle came along, he used to sleep in bed with us, claiming way too much space than a 45-pound animal needs. But when we woke up, we laughed, patted him on the head, and got him a treat anyway because he was "adorably incorrigible."
Now he sleeps somewhere in the house -- a chair, maybe, or a couch. Maybe the floor? Honestly, I'm not sure. We have babies, ya know?
Oscar has fallen down, down, down the totem pole, and it's really no one's fault. To think we could shower a dog with attention when two babies came into our house just wasn't realistic. Sure, we give him as much love as we can. He has a Christmas stocking, gets lots of exercise in our backyard, and eats, for some reason, organic dog food. (Really, Bridget?) But we also yell at him when he barks too loud, push him out of the way when he spends too much time sniffing one of his sisters, and wish he didn't smell so bad all of the time.
But, BUT, there is one thing that brings joy to Oscar's heart and is pretty darn convenient for us, too. I call it The Oscar's Share.
The Oscar's Share? In the world of wine and spirits, the angel's share, you may know, is the portion of the drink that is lost to evaporation during aging in oak barrels. (It is similar to the Devil's cut.) The Oscar's Share is the non-stop, often delicious supply of food scraps that find their way into Oscar's bowl (and, subsequently, his belly) because little girls aren't great at finishing their meals. Mostly, Oscar eats:
- Cheerios (so many Cheerios)
- Baby puffs
- Fruit, including strawberries, blueberries, oranges, apples (no, never grapes)
- Cucumbers
- Chicken nuggets
- Bagels
- Raviolis
- Macaroni & cheese
- Rice cakes with peanut butter
Other stuff, too, but that's Oscar's core people-food diet. (He hates celery, though. That's the one thing he won't eat.) And he always takes care of spills at a moment's notice. Simply yell "Oscar!" and he sprints into the room, waiting anxiously to see what treasure awaits. He gets a snack and we get clean(er) floors. Win-win.
Someday, when the girls start getting a little older, I hope I can give Oscar more attention. I hope we take lots of walks in the woods and I learn to love the smell of wet dog again. Maybe he'll even sleep on the bed again someday. The truth is he deserves more than The Oscar's Share.
Until then, though, I'd say he still has a pretty good life. And, my God, just so many Cheerios.